

In 2012 the world population reached almost 7 billion people, at a growth rate of 77 million people per year!

In 2012 the world population reached almost 7 billion people, at a growth rate of 77 million people per year! At this rate in 2600 it will be 52.276 billion people!

A third of the population in developed countries lives in poverty, and this leads to problems of healthiness, overcrowding or social inequality.

The solutions?

Cities must unify the civil society in order to strengthen the institutions. For this purpose, it is important to preserve and foster the culture, tolerance, freedom of speech and individual rights. Keeping a check on pollution rates, while at the same time taking action to control emissions like promoting public transport or controlling traffic.

In rural areas, we have to care for and improve the quality of life, by encouraging growth activities so that these areas will not become uninhabited but exploited in a sustainable way to improve their inhabitants´ situation.